Some Crust Bakery in Claremont
I was driving out of Claremont last week when the Some Crust bakery delivery van passed... Wasn't sure whether they were hauling their crazy-delicious pastries or a loyal patron to his eternal rest (what a way to go:-). Russell and me frequent it often and at the rate I'm going
I'll need this van to haul me around.

If you are ever remotely near Claremont, stop... taste and see! I promise, the pumpkin muffin (as old - fogey as that sounds) is really incredible. And as great a that muffin is, it can't hold a light to the almond croissant!!! Get one of those and a fresh Monkey brand drip-brewed Fook blend coffee and you're in business (actually, you are wound up like an eight day clock:-) for the morning... Okay, the day.