walters family blog

Well, its just Walters' family stuff. That's about it, for that's its sole purpose.

Location: Bellville, Texas, United States

Husband, dad, grandfather, brother, entrepreneur, artist, writer, publisher, ad guy, teacher, musician, and dreaming of being a farmer.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer time at the farm 2009

This past week, it was blazing hot and miserable out. However, the kids didn't seem to notice. Last week, Mikki had Molly's kids while Molly and Jonathan were in Nashville at a youth conference. She decided that it would be best to keep them at the farm. Amber took her kids along for trip. They had a blast. I showed up on Friday just in time to watch the water slide event...
Jack in Amber's glasses
Jack takes Brody and Caroline for a spin. What you can't see is that he ran right toward me. I jumped out of the way and he made another lap and tried it again, laughing hysterically.
It took Caroline a while to adapt to the idea of getting on her stomach and riding down the hill, but Brody would run and land on his... They had a blast.
Watch this little clip and enjoy!


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