Granted, Bellville is a nice, quaint little country town West of Houston, but its not known for its pretty architecture! When the grand old courthouse burned to the ground back in the 60's the City Fathers rebuilt it into a block of cement and glass with very poor architecture. I hope they saved a lot of money because they ruined a fine old town center. The square in town has been kept pretty well other than the Wells Fargo brick bank building on the corner. Oh well, can't have everything I suppose. It is a town of fine, hard working people.
But here recently, a little church was built up on Hacienda Street named Mill Creek Church. I have no idea what denomination it is nor do I really care for that matter. What I like is that someone said, "I want to build a new church that looks like an old church" and accomplished it. Here is the result. I took this the other night holding my camera without a flash out the window of a diesel truck (while running) and it was sprinkling a bit, so it isn't the best shot. Maybe later I can get a better shot. Nice building. Whoever you are that built this, thank you! It makes a nice statement for the city of Bellville. With all the stucco and styrofoam facades we're seeing these days on metal buildings, this nice little church is a breath of fresh air.
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