Brody & Caroline came up to the farm this week
Mikki and I were at the farm this week to try to get the orchard and vines planted. We had rain on three of our days there that set us back a little. We'll get it completed this next week hopefully. Amber and Bryan got the chance to run up and stay a night while we were there. Of course, the kids wanted to be outside where MikMik was working in her garden. They were just adorable working with her in the garden.
Amber got Caroline and Brody to pose for a photo. Better get them hugging while we can:-)
Caroline loves broccoli and MikMik let her eat it fresh from the garden (no pesticides). She ate an entire pod, stem and all (short part of the stalk:-).
Brody wanted to work, so MikMik fixed him up with his own garden belt and tools, along with the requisite seed spreader. As you will notice after close observation, he only has on one glove. The purpose is due to his sister wearing the other one. That is, until MikMik found that second pair. A couple mild fights broke out when Caroline tried to take the cutters away from him. Whew. That was ugly quick. He kind of liked those cutters.

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