The Walters family Christmas celebration is always a pretty hectic but fun event. I think for the size family we have, we are pretty tightly knit. It's pretty amazing that in the absence of our Mom and Dad that we are all still loving to get together like this a couple times annually. We now have 63 in our immediate family if I am counting everyone.
Caroline and Claire in the inflatable jumping / slide. It was put to good use.
Llewel driving the Club Car around the farm at break-neck speeds with Merry, Camille and Melody in tow. They were having a blast.
Jordyn Ingram and Corey Dial out on the tennis court hanging out.

Caroline, Diane and Charlie listening to
Llewel tell them how it is, or was. Look, Charles believes every word:-)

Castleberry showing us how much time he had available to answer our questions. Not really. I have no idea what he was doing. John Dial shot this photo and most of these.

Rusty Walters looking his age finally. I didn't say acting it:-)

Borup, our sister, looking like our Dad. And she acts like him too, but that isn't all bad.

Charlie Ingram looking like he was posing. But all the while standing by a fire pit. Maybe his pants were just hot.

We employed the blow up slide once again this year. The kids loved it but this year the adults stuck to eating, table games and watching the fire burn. Brody about wore it out.

Me and Larry cooking the hamburger meat on the grill.

I know this isn't normal, but Jonathan looks like he is giving some serious advice. Or maybe making a statement about something he has just grazed from the buffet.

Llewel and me all in line, all ahead of the old people. Oh wait, we are the old people now. Well, they are. I just wanted to lead them through the line.

Fizz, who must have taken a thousand photos, Molly, Amber and Rusty enjoying making fun of some poor person.

John showing good form shooting skeet.

Galen, trying out the new Beretta Silver Pigeon 20 gauge over and under shotgun.

Corey Dial's first time to shoot. I think he actually was about 100% accurate. It is unreal how these kids who play video games have their hand-eye coordination down so well. At least there is some redeeming quality that has come out of it all. However, when he didn't have on his ear protection, he had an
iPod in his ears:-) Ironic.

Scott Walters, Bryan
Saintes and Charlie Ingram shooting some Annie Oakley. The guns got a work out. And so did our shoulders.

Lanna got to shoot and she missed the first skeet and then plastered all the rest. Quick study! Here she is shooting a 28 gauge O/U Browning
Citori Lightning

Llewel and Scott warming by the fire.

We played a couple games of Mexican Train
dominoes. It is a fairly slow and boring game but fun all the same. I couldn't remember to say "I'm getting off the train" and neither could Charlie:-) Sherry was the "getting off the train cop" for the night. She caught Charlie!

Now this is a rare shot. It's not rare to see Larry,
Llewel and me in a food line, but playing
dominoes, this is a first. We had a good time. Larry and Mary Ann stayed over in the guest barn.
Llewel had a spasm in his shoulder and
Mikki took it upon herself to rid him of it. During the Mexican Train game.
Chesney Dial, Caroline
Saintes and Jody Ingram mesmerized by Planet Earth videos, or by Loony

Brody getting a helping hand from Uncle Harold

Caroline watching as Brody tried to get on Coal's back and take a ride. Didn't happen.

Caroline and Brody on the outside, Jack on the inside.

Brody taking Tank for a walk (with his Dad in close

Jack and Molly out by the fire pit.

Corey Dial posing with his new "long board" and
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