walters family blog

Well, its just Walters' family stuff. That's about it, for that's its sole purpose.

Location: Bellville, Texas, United States

Husband, dad, grandfather, brother, entrepreneur, artist, writer, publisher, ad guy, teacher, musician, and dreaming of being a farmer.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Brody and Caroline come to stay a couple days...

Mikki and I kept Brody and Caroline while Amber and Bryan, Jonathan, Molly, Andy and Lauren went on a short trip this weekend. We had a lot of fun with the kids. We got them a sand box (aka: sand in a plastic swimming pool), swam,  played pool, the Pac Man game, and rode on the ClubCar. I think they had a good time. I know we did. Bless their hearts, Brody and Caroline both walked off into the yard from their sand box and got into fire ants. With the over abundance of rain here lately (not complaining) the ants are hideous. Mikki's quick use of Yarro (sp?), a small fragile fern plant in her herb garden, took the sting away almost instantly, and they were back in the sand box in minutes.


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