In the days following Hurricane Ike's path through the Houston area, Go Away Farm became a refuge for several of our relatives and their families left without power. We had a freak cold front that day after the hurricane passed, making the situation somewhat bearable in Houston and the surrounding area (2.2 million homes without power for days), but added a touch of Fall to Go Away. That led us to start a fire in the pit and that became a focal point for a lot of the afternoons and evenings. The kids loved the fire.
Larry was coerced into reading to Jack and Caroline. Small price to pay for air conditioning:-)

Millard and Granny were there and we caught them on the porch swing with the grand babies, Jack, Caroline and Brody.

Mikki needed to get the Fall garden in so she mixed a little lesson for the visiting band of boys, and got some help with the planting to boot. Stacey, Nicolas, Mikki, Andrew and Alexander.

Mikki shows Alexander how to prepare the soil and plant seed. You could tell that he loved every minute of it.

As Brody moved Mik Mik's wheel barrow out of the way, Jack gets his first lesson in the use of a shovel from his Mimi (Dovey Ensey).

Andrew Barnett, Alexander and Nicholas Ensey dig into the smores...

Caroline loved roasting marshmallows with Pappa G

Kacey McClendon, Larry's grand daughter (Karen's and Mack's oldest daughter) ate her share of roasted marshamallows...

The trio of young guys were relentless until we ran dry of marshmallows (in that bag). They really enjoyed the time by the fire. It was neat to see Alexander get into the farming life. He loved it.
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