walters family blog

Well, its just Walters' family stuff. That's about it, for that's its sole purpose.

Location: Bellville, Texas, United States

Husband, dad, grandfather, brother, entrepreneur, artist, writer, publisher, ad guy, teacher, musician, and dreaming of being a farmer.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

It Rained, and rained, and rained.....

Mikki and I got to the farm Friday night late, expecting the barn construction crews to arrive the next morning early. So I was awake and up and about when they arrived at 7:15 am. Shortly afterwards Dale Rinn delivered a load of red-clay that I needed to spread. At about 1:15 pm the crews left due to the beginnings of what appeared to be rain setting in. Llewel and Shane had come up to get a load of firewood for the impending cold-snap headed our way. It was 71 degrees at that time. By 4:00 pm it was about 50 degrees and flooding. Mikki and I dressed in slicker-suits made our way out to get all the tasks accomplished before leaving to head back to Houston. But by 6:00 pm it was too much rain to try to leave. The water was literally flowing down through the pastures. We had had 1.45 inches of rain at 6:00 pm based on the Piney Weather Station in Bellville. By 8:30 pm we'd had about 2 inches. This morning we awoke to the lakes completely full and 5 inches of rain. The water fell so fast that the lakes have a mark that is about 1 foot from topping the dam. The spill-way wasn't enough capacity to handle all the water. So, the lakes are completely full. And the ground is totally saturated. And the barn project is obviously on hold:-) The weather folks are forecasting 26 degrees for Bellville tomorrow night and rain / sleet / snow. And that is forecasted for four days. So I don't expect to see a lot of accomplishment when we get back Friday evening.Thank the Lord for all the rain. We so needed to fill up the ponds before we got to Summer. Last year, we had a drought and were low when summer came. It was very scary to see the ponds so low.


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