walters family blog

Well, its just Walters' family stuff. That's about it, for that's its sole purpose.

Location: Bellville, Texas, United States

Husband, dad, grandfather, brother, entrepreneur, artist, writer, publisher, ad guy, teacher, musician, and dreaming of being a farmer.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Kevin McKee snags a 7.25 pounder!

Kevin stuck with the Executive Christmas party as long as he could stand it. Finally, he and John Leonard found their way to the lake. John called it quits but not Kevin. We heard him yelp and we headed down there on the Ranger. We actually got there from the house right as he landed it. 7.25 lbs, and that was on a net-scale, which isn't right. That thing was probably closer to 8! His mouth was so large that Kevin could put his fist in it. A beauty. And, she's back in the lake awaiting spawning season next year:-)



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